Sunday, May 25, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ's
Broad shoulders
Home Workout and Diet for Women
Weight training - Safe or not?
The Bodybuilding Diet
From fat to fit
Important bodybuilding lesson - Training prioritization
Soy Protein - Good or Bad?
Heavy weight or light weight
How much water should I drink in a day?
Healthy eating
Dumbbells or Barbells
My shoulder hurts when I bench press
Morning Exercise or Evening Exercise for Fat loss
Walking speed
Why i am not responding to the same workout routine
How to reduce hip size
Q. I have been working out for about 2 years and have few problems and I hope that you can help me with that.
A. There is no exercise that specifically targets the subcutaneous fat.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Ephedrine and Ephedrine based stacks

Author: Krishna
Location: USA
First off - Ephedrine or any alpha/beta agonist are dangerous compounds that should not be abused. They should NOT be used if proper research is not done. They have side effects and can potentially lead to a cardiac arrest if pre-existent conditions prevail.
I am not a doctor- so please dont take my advice - these are just opinions.
Here is a quick breakdown of the ingredients and simple directions on how to use. I will also include a few links on where you can purchase these products and a few links to other threads. By no means will this be scientific, however, I will state what has worked for me and I hope others, who have experience with the ECY stack, post their opinions. This could be a simple Q&A
What is an ECY stack?
ECY stands for ephedrine HCL, yohimbine HCL and caffeine
Where can I find the ingredients for the ECY stack
* Ephedrine HCL can be found at the - LoL this is my venture so its a shameless promotion :)
* Caffeine can be found at the
* Yohimbine HCL, though not sold as a seperate ingredient, can be found as yohimbe at the
What are the dosings/servings of the ECY stack?
If you are new to this, you will need to start at a basic level. Ideally, each serving will be:
* Ephedrine HCL: 25mg
* Caffeine: 200mg
* Yohimbine HCL: 5mg
The best (i.e. ideal) time to take it will be 30 minutes prior to a meal (preferably low carb) and/or 30 minutes prior to exercise. It should also be noted that yohimbine really isn't necessary to make this stack AMAZING. Ephedrine HCL and caffeine will do well. Many people will alternate ephedrine HCL and caffeine with yohimbine HCL with caffeine, as there is published material stating that the combination of ephedrine and yohimbine isn't wise. You can read up on it here
You should wait a few days before your increase your servings (assessing tolerance to the ingredients). In most cases, people will take 2-3 servings a day, with a few taking 4 servings a day and some whackos taking more then that :o. Each serving should be taken roughly 4 hours or more apart, and again, 30 minutes prior to a meal (preferably low carb) and/or exercise.
What pre-cautions should I take with the ECY stack?
Some basic pre-cautions include:
* Not surpassing 100mg ephedrine HCL in a 24 hour period
* Not surpassing 0.2mg/kg of bodyweight of yohimbine HCL (20mg for a 220lb person)
* Always watch for side-effects, including: increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, increased body temperature, et cetera.
* As caffeine is a diuretic, please drink plenty of fluids (i.e. water) daily.
This is a very basic thread regarding ECY. There are topics I have not touched, including other supplements to take with the ECY. Honestly, if you are a noobie taking this, stick to the basics.
Finally, please realize that these are supplements, they will NOT replace a proper diet and exercise program. They are used to 'supplement' it. Please use with caution and know ALL the side-effects of each ingredient.
This is intended for those 18 years and older
1. People don't read the label.
"Take half of the dosage for the first week to access your tolerance level." So naturally they take 4 pills at once, and when they feel all messed up, they blame it on the pills. For many cycles, I have used the ECA stack without any side effects, and without even knowing it's there for the most part. Why? Because there's this thing called tolerance. This leads me to the second reason....
2. People are impatient.
I do 4 days on 1 pill, 4 days on 2, 4 days on 3, and the rest on 4. Then, at the end of the cycle, I do the reverse. I barely know it's there, and I'm very sensitive to stimulants. But for immediate satisfaction people will start out with too high of a dose. This will cause anyone to become jittery. Tolerance to the CNS effects build rather rapidly, but many of the fat burning effects remain. All the research has been done on long, consistent use - not popping 4 pills and expecting to lose 10 pounds.
3. People don't do the research.
So why, you ask, don't people KNOW about tolerance? Because they're taking something that they know nothing about. Most people think the only function of the ECA is to increase heart rate. So they think that if they're not speeding it's not working. ECA has many fat burning effects when taken the way I've described. But don't take my word for it; do some research!
4. People want something for nothing.
You hear many people complain that these products don't work. But ephedrine and caffeine are bar none the best legal fat burners, as evidenced by literally hundreds of studies and double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. If there's some mild side effects, so be it. You can't expect to lose fat rapidly without side effects! It's physically impossible. If a fat burner is completely comfortable, it's probably not doing anything. The reason these supps don't work for many? Because they don't do it in combination with a calorie deficit. A pill is not a substitute - you have to be willing to put the work in action.
5. People are stupid.
Heart attacks, palpitations, convulsions. It's right there on the label. It tells you that you shouldn't take it with certain medical conditions, and the dosage parameters. And you know what? Multiple controlled studies show no difference in the amount of these conditions in the normal population versus people who use ephedrine. It is perfectly safe taken within the limits. In this same vein are tons of media reports. Every single one says, "This person who took ephedrine had this problem." That doesn't mean jack shit compared to the controlled studies I describe. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a perfectly safe substance. But I think it's 99.999% safe when you follow the directions on the label.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Cardio Workout
In the hectic lifestyle many do not prefer pumping iron and start doing cardio. Especially the ladies start working out prioritizing the cardio. So in this article I will be dealing explicitly with cardio workouts.
Running is an excellent cardio exercise enjoyed by most of the people, especially the youngsters. Why? It’s because, running in the early morning in the fresh air is very refreshing and it also ushers you to the opportunity of admiring the morning beauty of the nature. Moreover it fastens your weight loss program by burning a huge number of calories.
Speed walking is an alternative to the running chosen by some group of people who find it difficult to run either because of their old age or knee health or over weight.
There are a lot of modern equipments available today which help us doing the cardio indoor and out door. And for the summer, undoubtedly the best option would be swimming.
Why cardio?
Here I will outline some of the benefits of cardio which will convince you to take up cardio activity regularly.
• It can burn a lot of calories
• Can raise metabolic rate
• Improves heart function
• Decreases the risk of heart disease
• Decreases the risk of osteoporosis
• Increases bone density
• Reduced stress
• Temporary relief from depression and anxiety
• Better sleep
• Setting up a better example for your kids
Different approaches to Cardio workout
Let us analyze the different approaches to Cardio training.
Low Intensity Cardio
Low intensity cardio is the most popular kind of cardio and is suggested by most of the personal trainers all around the world. Low intensity cardio directly targets body-fat and that why it is so famous. University studies have proved that Low Intensity - Long duration cardio (LI/LD) burns fat for energy during the workout instead of pulling the energy from the muscles and the glycogen stores. That’s good news for bodybuilders who do not want to lose hard earned muscles and want to lower their body-fat percentage. Most of the bodybuilders prefer multi split low intensity cardio while getting ready for shows.
However the only drawback of Low intensity / Long duration cardio is that it takes about 10 minutes for the person performing the cardio to reach his ideal heart rate. Then he can maintain his ideal heart rate for about 20-30 minutes.
High Intensity Cardio
This form of cardio is least utilized. This requires pushing past your pain barriers, so very few people utilize this form of cardio. The High Intensity – Short Duration Cardio (HI/SD) can be of great help in burning fat if done properly. The total calories burnt in High intensity cardio are more compared to the Low intensity cardio. The energy required for the cardio is obtained from the fat reserves and the glycogen storage within the muscles. When we burn more calories in our cardio workout than what we expend, then we set up a strong environment for fat loss and weight loss.
The Low intensity cardio activity can be boring at times, and the High intensity cardio can be very taxing on the body at times. So a powerful method of doing cardio evolved – High Intensity Interval Training.
This involves performing high intensity cardio for some time and then returning to low intensity cardio and then again going back to high intensity cardio again.
For example, let us consider a person doing treadmill workout for cardio.
This is how his typical HIIT cardio will look like
5 minutes – Warm up
1 minute – Running (High intensity)
2 minutes – Walking (Low intensity activity – Recovery time)
1 minute – Running
2 minutes – Walking
1 minute – Running
2 minutes - Walking
1 minute – Running
2 minutes - Walking
1 minute – Running
2 minutes – Walking
1 minute – Running
2 minutes - Walking
1 minute – Running
2 minutes – Walking
3 minutes – Cool down
While performing HIIT you are allowed to bring in your innovations of combining multiple cardio activities into play, like – cross trainer for high intensity activity and cycling for low intensity activity and make your workouts more interesting. And the timing provided in the above chart do not form concrete rules of HIIT and the timings of High intensity and Low intensity cardio can be adjusted based on personal comfort zone.
The inclination training
Running uphill, climbing stairs, walking on a treadmill with inclination etc are all examples of inclination training cardio.
So what is so special about the Inclination cardio? It can be answered in two folds.
Inclination training burns more calories compared to normal cardio. For example let us consider a person weighing 150 lbs walking on a treadmill at 4 mph. He would burn 145 calories in 30 minutes. Keeping the same 4 mph speed if the person is made to walk on a 5% grade increase on the inclination of the treadmill, the person would burn 243 calories. To make things clear, that is a whopping 60% increase in the amount of calories burnt.
One more important benefit of the inclination training is that it also helps in toning the butt and hamstring muscles. That’s good news for ladies looking to make their butt and thigh more toned for tighter outfit. A poll conducted by American Council on Exercise (ACE) in the year 1997. People were asked – what exercise best worked their buttocks. No.1 was squats, No.2 was lunges and No.3 was walking uphill. So if you are looking for toned butt and thighs or if you are a bodybuilder looking for ripped striated gluteus then inclination/uphill training is your best bet.
Though one aerobic activity may sound promising than the other, sticking onto the same aerobic activity can make you bored and thus reduce the effects of your cardio workout. So the key is to constantly add variety to your cardio workout by adding different cardio exercises into the regime and varying the intensity levels and the inclination.
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