Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to get flat sotmach?

How do i get a flat stomach and get rid of belly?

In order to tone the muscle and reduce your mid-section do some basic 15 minute abdominal routine which included crunches and leg raises thrice a week.
20-30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week will help you to improve your metabolism, burn body-fat stored in all problem areas such as hips, mid-section etc and will help you to get that overall toned look. Training with weights few times a week will also help you reach your goal at a faster pace.
As i always say, diet is 80% of your physique goal, plan on a high protein, low fat diet.


  1. Hi Biglee
    How good or bad is having prawns as part of our diet? I read that it has a high percentage of protein content.


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