I usually find it interesting and useful to gather lot of knowledge through social networking site where we get to know many people. I usually try to get information from everyone about bodybuilding and fitness, and take which ever suits me and leave the rest. While doing this process i happened to meet the First ever Mr. Olympia "Larry Scott"(Joe Wider in fact Started this contest for Larry to prevent this legend from retiring from bodybuilding and gave rise to professional bodybuilding)
I started communicating with the legend Larry in text. And i found that he was a down to earth person willing to help each and every person interested in the field of fitness. He conducts personal trainer certifications at a very cheap rates compared to all the other organizations conducting it.
Though i gain size considerably i am a Lacto-ovo-veggie and can not cook meat at home. I thought that i could ask about it to the legend himself. And sent him a text message over the social networking site. And to my surprise was his reply "Feel free to call me" and he gave me a phone number.
The very next night(day time for the legend Larry) I called up the phone number. His personal assistant spoke to me and told me that Larry would give me a call and that i can talk to him.
After an hour i had the opportunity to speak to the legend. Man-o-man i was delighted and wonder struck to hear his voice. I got goose flesh and words were not coming out of my mouth for a moment. Larry understood it and he initiated the conversation. Saying about the full conversation without his permission would not be the best thing to do. But still he gave a great solution for all the veggies out there..I write this here cos the legend talks about this every where "The Power of Whole Milk"
Whole milk is the best food for bulking and that sipping whole milk releases IGF1 and IGF2 extensively.IGF1 & IGF2 are few of the most important hormones to add lean muscle. So that's the happy news for all the vegans out there :)
One thing that i understood and learned from the legend other than my fitness goals was that a man does not reach great heights without humbleness and that a real hero never changes in character and stays humble for life. Hats off to the legend who was the sole reason for creating professional bodybuilding.
Mr Olympia Larry Scott has his own website where he explains about fitness, bodybuilding and helps millions of people out there waiting to get helped. Do visit his website http://www.larryscott.com/ and make the best out of it.
Larry Scott recommended supplements - http://www.larryscott.com/bio/products/supplements/index.cfm